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Protect the Environment by Converting to a Vegetarian Diet

By Avani Prakash

Image from the Daily Utah Chronicle

For those who eat meat, it’s definitely hard to resist when you see a tasty meal with meat. But finding the strength to resist comes with many benefits, such as having a healthier diet, saving the lives of animals, and protecting the environment.

So here’s how being vegetarian is better for the environment:

  1. A vegetarian diet uses less water, since it takes far less water to produce plant protein than meat. The amount of water used to produce a kilo of beef is anywhere between 13,000-100,000 liters, but the amount of water to produce a kilo of wheat is anywhere between 1,000-2,000 liters.

  2. Being vegetarian requires less land than having a meat-based diet. A vegetarian diet requires two-and-a-half times less the amount of land needed to grow food, compared to a meat-based diet

  3. More land required to sustain a meat-based diet also results in deforestation to provide the land needed.

  4. Think about the future. As the population continues to grow, the world and the amount of land we have doesn’t grow. We need to be environmentally sustainable now for our future.

To read more about why having a plant-based diet protects our planet, visit these links:

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